Omar's Blog

Week 7 – Facebook Marketing Solutions

Posted in Social Networking by bu402omar on March 10, 2010

I was not able to find CISCO or AMD/ATI.
It seems brands are reaching people on facebook via Fan Pages and Groups etc not technically integrating with their users!
An example of how I personally think it would be done better with – lets say Coke Rewards Program (assuming you know what that is):

Create a Facebook App
Allow Rewards users and facbook users to link the two accounts together
Earn points for linking them together
Allow playing games for points
Feed the users’ point achievements/rewards into their status updates (give them an option not to).

People tend to ignore ads on facebook and many do not visit fan pages once they have joined! If you look at the YouTube video posted a few posts ago – many use mobile devices to access facebook; almost completely removing all advertisements.

The future of computer and social networking is mobility (and facebook is introducing its “location” feature – geared at mobile users transmitting their location during updates) which means that you have a lot less screen real estate.

Integrate with user’s comments/updates for the most dramatic effects – I would know; even I end up clicking on a few links here and there inside status updates!

Below is a survey of 17 people I know regarding facebook:

2 – Under 10, 5 – 10 to 18, 5 – 18 to 33, 5 – 33+ (unfortunately I couldn`t find any more under 10 – I wanted to maintian equal sample sizes)

Click on Ads: If they have ever clicked on ANY single ad

Ads Interesting: If they have found ads they would MAYBE have clicked on

Brands on Social Media: Had they seen any Fan Pages/Groups or Seen brand names in some way on Facebook (100%)

Mobile Use: If they access Facebook on mobile more than 25% of the time

Week 6 – Online Marketplaces!

Posted in Social Networking by bu402omar on February 21, 2010

My favorite marketplace has always been TradeGamesNow.Com

Cost: $0

Personalization: Listings are standard but user is allowed a homepage (ignored by most!)

Range/Prices/Promotions: Its more trading than selling but people do sell at prices from $10 and up, this usually includes shipping. Products include games/movies/consoles and small game related accessories. There are no real pormotions as items are listed forever and you are free to contact users and discuss each deal individually; i have now made 22 trades/sales with success!

Socialization: Chat/Message Boards – nothing substantial.


Cost: $0 – $20 per item

Personalization: You can pay to add more images and to inrease listing priority but no real customization.

Range/Prices/Promotions: Everything you can imagine from goods to services at reasonably prices per item from $10 to thousands! The promotions usually include small extra items or added services such as delivery or installation etc.

Socialization: Little needed – usually searched locally.


Full discription here: